CSO-Government Dialogue Project 2nd Steering committee meeting

On 13/02/2017 Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement Bwaise Facility (EMLI) in collaboration with Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) organized the 2nd CSO-Government Dialogue project steering committee meeting at the Ministry of Water and Environment Board room. The meeting’s overall objective was to review and provide feedback in the report assessing the status of implementation of MEAs in Uganda. 

Specifically to update the committee on the progress of project activities, present and review the draft handbook on MEAs ratified by Uganda, project activity work plan for 2018 and the Terms of Reference of the National Environment Platform.

Ten (10) participants attended the meeting with all the 6 steering committee members represented, and Mr. Mugabi David Stephen, the commissioner Department of Environment Sector Support Services, MWE was the chair of the meeting. 

Members reviewed and provided comments and recommendations to the above documents. The comments included but not limited to the suggestion to have the compendium of MEAs ratified by Uganda as an annex of the status report assessing MEAs implementation in Uganda. In addition, it was proposed that an editorial team should be constituted to review the draft handbook.

In regard to the CSO-Government Dialogue project work plan for 2018, members raised a concern about the small budgets allocations. Therefore they recommended for a quick strategy to materialize the project co-financing i.e. identify synergies with other ongoing projects for joint implementation of the related project activities, and plan strategic meetings with UNDP, IUCN, and FAO specifically to seek support towards the process of initiating the National Environment Platform. 

In addition, members proposed for a strategic meeting with the Director Environment Affairs to lay strategies for the Project’s co-financing. 

Having raised the above comments, members adopted the project work plan for 2018.

Mr. Mugaga Denis the GEF Operational Focal Point from Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development, informed members that the ministry of finance is planning a meeting for GEF 7 programming. He noted that the programming process targets providing for actual involvement of the private sector in the implementation of GEF programmes.


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