Launch of the EMLI CSO-Government Dialogue project

On 19th/07/2017, Government of Uganda through Ministry of Water and Environment in conjunction with Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement Bwaise Facility (EMLI) and support from Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (SGP) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched the EMLI CSO-Government Dialogue project in Kampala.

The launch attracted representatives from Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Media, academia and Civil Society Organizations. 
Mr. Abu baker Wandera, the GEF SGP Focal person in Uganda informed members that GEF SGP has made 21 years in Uganda and due to this maturity, Uganda had been given due exit from Small Grants Programme. Members were therefore urged to focus on developing big proposals that can help Uganda to transit from Small Grants Programme (SGP). 

He decried the declining level of resource flows from Global Environment Facility (GEF) to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), despite the steady flow of such resources to the government. 

The GEF Political & Operation Focal Point, Ms Pauline Akidi from Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED)with the role . to design and monitor all GEF projects in Uganda, informed members that CSO-Government Dialogue project is as a result of GEF 6 that encouraged resources mobilisation. He regretted the inability of project managers to absorb the funds during project implementation, which is taken back to the pool She therefore noted that the ministry is going to be strict and only work with able institutions that can absorb all the project money allocated for its implementation. 

The Conventions Focal point, Mr. Robert Bakiika highlighted the role of CSOs to GEF family, noting that CSOs are key partners to the GEF as they support the achievement of GEF’s objectives through actions on the ground i.e. general policy discussion, policy design, project implementation and evaluation and the ability to leverage partnerships and resources. 

Mr. Paul Mafabi, Director Environment Affairs acknowledged that EMLI CSO-Government Dialogue project is a unique initiative, that requires both financial and technical support  to realise the intended project objectives and outcomes thus urging members to ensure collaboration for the successful project implementation.

In conclusion, Members were argued to use the dialogue to frame the country’s (Uganda’s) position in the different negotiations and in moving forward.


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