The independent evaluation
office of the GEF (IEO) evaluated the GEF CSO Network for the period 2014-2016
concluding, inter alia, network’s
activities were distant from the country level where GEF projects make their
mark and from where the majority of Network CSOs operate. Therefore the
evaluation recommended that the GEF CSO Network should continue to build itself
as a mechanism for strengthening civil society participation in the GEF at the
global, regional and national levels, paying particular attention to:
membership development, capacity building and value-added working relationships
across the GEF partnership.
2. Objective
In this context, EMLI with financial support
to a tune of USD 30,000 from GEFSGP, UNDP and Government of Uganda is
undertaking a 2 year project June 2017- March 2019) with a goal to
establish CSO-Government dialogue
platform to strengthen support mechanism of the SGP.
2.1 Specific Objectives
Strengthen institutional and technical capacity of GEF
CSO Network in Uganda;
Catalyze multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)
implementation and integration into national decision making frameworks;
3. Foster
innovative partnerships with private sector in the realization of global
environmental benefits.
3. Intended results
3. Intended results
Functional environmental information system for Civil society
and the local chapter of the GEF CSO Network shaping and influencing national
planning and budgeting in support of global environmental benefits
- Establishment of National Environment platform to dialogue and address systemic crosscutting national environmental management issues, aimed at making environment an essential part of national interest
- Improved sustainability reporting by private sector participants under UN Global Compact Local Network in Uganda
- Development of pilot mechanism for effective access and utilization of domestic public finance for environment and natural resource management for enhanced MEAs implementation.
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