Highlight of GEF ECW for Eastern Africa - Report

Participants during the GEF ECW workshop In light of the above, on 18-21 February, 2020 the GEF secretariat organized the 2020 ECW for Eastern Africa in Nairobi Kenya at Crown Plaza Hotel. The workshop attracted participants from 14 countries: Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, composed of representatives of the GEF country OFPs, Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, SGP coordinators and GEFSEC representatives. The workshop was informed of the various components in project review and the GEF 7 allocations per focal areas 1) Biodiversity (USD 1,292 million); 2) Climate Change (USD 802m); 3) Land degradation (USD 475m); 4) chemicals and waste (USD 599 million); and 5) International Waters (USD 463 million). It was highlighted that the Chemicals and waste and international Waters programs are not under the STAR allocation which is a fixed allocation as opposed to ...