
Showing posts from June, 2018

Dialogue on Environmental Governance in Uganda

A cross section of participants during the dialogue meeting.                                    On April 25, 2018, the Ministry of Water and Environment in collaboration with EMLI with financial support from NEMA and the CSO Government Dialogue project convened a breakfast Dialogue on Environmental Governance in Uganda at Mosa Court Apartments in Kampala. The event brought together 52 participants (15 Females and 37 Males) from state and Non State Actors including MDAs, CSOs and Media inter-alia. The dialogue built on the recommendations of the assessment study report on the status of implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Uganda commissioned by EMLI. The dialogue focused on two key presentations: 1) the status of implementation of global environmental agreements in Uganda, 2) our environment and human centeredness. It also included a panel discussion on how to ensu...